Conference Talk

I dream of hybrids: the last move

We live in an era where adoption and use have become the main barriers for technological growth, and even though computational power is at our fingertips, each day, more power with less meaning is being used to rebuild our society. Design is playing its last move to put in evidence the value of imagination and creativity in our industries and daily life. But to win, we need diverse minds capable of bending the use of technology to create new pathways of hope.

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Roberto Cabezas

Chair Creative Computing, CENTRO

Roberto Cabezas Hernández is a transmedia software developer, researcher, and educator, currently living and working in Mexico City. He is the Chair Creative Computing at CENTRO, where his work, research, and lectures focus on: applied artificial intelligence, data visualization, affective and cognitive computing, algorithmic creation, procedural animation, computational simulation, and philosophy of technology. He obtained a Ph.D. in Music Technology and graduated with honors from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). As part of his work, he creates and develops software tools for music composition, animation, immersive design, and interactive audiovisual performance to explore new ideas on hybrid computational models for human-machine cooperation and social accountability for technology development.