Conference Talk

El impostor

Conoce la historia de un inmigrante mexicano que convenció a los grandes de la tecnología de que sabía lo que hacía para conseguir un trabajo bien pagado y, más tarde, logró financiar su idea de llenar el mundo de garabatos. Descubre cómo tú también puedes engañar a los demás.

Pablo Stanley

Illustrator, Co-founder & CEO, Blush Design

Pablo Stanley is a cofounder and CEO at Blush. Previously cofounder of Carbon Health, staff designer at Lyft, and lead designer at InVision. He gives talks and workshops around the world on product design, animation, illustration systems, storytelling, accessibility, behavioral economics, challenges of being a designer, and the art of comics. Pablo has a YouTube channel called Sketch Together where he shares design tutorials, livestreams, critiques, and other random stuff. He also hosts different podcasts, including one interviewing Latinxs in the tech industry called “Diseño Cha Cha Cha.” He’s the doodler behind Avataaars, Humaaans, Open Doodles, Bottts, and Buttsss.