Nerd Talk

POR // Depatriarchize Design for Social and Planetary Restoration. Female and Dissident Voices in Latin American Design

Jan 31, 2024

A pesar de los avances logrados por las mujeres, la comunidad lgbtqia+ y las voces disidentes que conquistan espacios dentro de la industria del diseño, las mesas de toma de decisiones siguen siendo predominantemente blancas y masculinas. Esta disparidad da como resultado que sólo se cuente una narrativa parcial, y es desde este punto de vista que Diseña Colectiva emerge como una plataforma que se embarca en avenidas frescas y diversas en el diseño, arraigadas en la colectividad. Su objetivo es construir espacios de resistencia, cuidado y expresión buscando otras formas de diseño. En esta charla, Andrea y Taína nos invitarán a mirar el diseño abajo una mirada diferente, que refleja diversas experiencias y desafía el status quo. Mientras nos guían a través de un mapa del sistema que muestra cómo han tejido una comunidad durante los últimos tres años, compartirán cómo el diseño colectivo y multidisciplinario puede tener un impacto positivo en la sociedad, el planeta y nuestras comunidades.

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Andrea Soler & Taina Campos

Managers, Diseña Colectiva

Andrea Soler and Taina Campos are industrial designers graduated from the CIDI at UNAM, with academic experience in various universities. Taina focuses on regenerative design through material experimentation, social innovation, and design research with a gender perspective. She has lived and worked in Rio de Janeiro, London, Paris, and Oaxaca where she has collaborated in different offices and projects of industrial design, product design, strategic design, and social innovation. She is part of What Design Can Do, a creative community that is developing research to understand the context surrounding the circular economy in Mexico. She's a professor at the Iberoamericana University, at CENTRO and at the National University of Mexico, where she teaches Ecodesign and Innovation in Design, Biomaterials, and Gender in Design Studies. Andrea holds a Master's degree in Industrial Design from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and another one in Product Design from Trent University in England. She is the Director at the Design Program at Tecnológico de Monterrey University in Mexico City. As the co-founder of Diseña Colectiva, she organizes design events with a feminist perspective. In her role as an art director, Andrea designs and constructs spaces and narratives for commercial use and music videos at Boca del Tigre Studio. Her work focuses on emotional design and gender research in intangible culture. She collaborates with the Interuniversity Design Workshop (TiUD), an activist design project, and is a part of the creative collective Fieras Fierras.