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Copenhagen Sep 27-28, 2023

Design Matters 23

Design Matters 23 will bring on stage a global and interdisciplinary network of experts to discuss design and dive into design practices from a variety of perspectives and disciplines. The event aims at defining and leading the agenda on the most important issues concerning UX/UI, innovation, tech, and sustainability.

The conference will be live streamed, and the talks will be recorded and uploaded on the video platform that you can access from the moment you purchase your ticket. The workshops, due to their interactive nature, will not be recorded.

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Themes for 2023

The AI Generation

The world we live in is increasingly shaped by data sets, algorithms, and pre-trained models. We’re seeing how AI technologies are becoming more sophisticated and could be used to automate a plethora of design tasks or create more personalized design experiences. AI & ML are entering every industry and area of life, giving birth to several new practices at the intersection of AI and design. We will look at the design of AI itself, how to design with AI and for AI, at some ethical considerations in relation to these new emerging technologies, and at what designers need to know to stay relevant and competitive in the changing landscape.

The AI Generation

The Power of Unity

When we think about inclusion, we must first recognize that the world we live in is incredibly diverse and varied. We humans are part of a larger ecosystem called planet Earth, but our society can also be considered an ecosystem full of diversity and variety. Diversity and inclusion are ultimately the real grounds for creativity, which must remain at the center of what we designers do. So how can we make the voices of non-human stakeholders be heard? How can we make inclusion part of the design process and not just part of the testing phase of a product? How do we democratize digital products to guarantee wider accessibility? How can we challenge the systems that have led us to where we are? How do we design inclusive teams? And what kind of society will we design after Capitalism?

The Power of Unity

Leading with Craft

We designers hold a fundamental role in helping people navigate the world and shaping their behaviors. This means that we have the power and ability to shape the future. But how can we affect change in a practical way? There are so many societal and planetary issues we need to be aware of, so many technologies to adapt to, so many people with different approaches to work with, and stiff decision-makers above us to convince. And while balancing all these different things, we also need to make sure we keep our creative juices flowing to produce valuable work. The way to go is leading change through the craft of design itself – and not through politics or fluffy buzz words. This theme will look into the “trenches” of design, exploring new and effective ways to solve design problems and staying creative, to truly make a change.

Leading with Craft